A fine new toilet was installed at our house today. You will note from the pictures (if you are observant) that this is not the same bathroom shown in the "before" pictures of one week ago. In fact, installing a toilet was not in the plans for today. The upstairs bathroom that we are renovating still has no toilet. But due to unforseeable circumstances, the remaining toilet became inoperable today. After 6 hours of toilet-wrestling, 3 flange-seal assemblies and a couple of trips to the hardware store, the new toilet that we bought for upstairs is installed downstairs. It is a beautiful toilet that works whoosh-fully well. We will buy another new toilet for the upstairs bathroom this week. And now, we have two old toilets sitting in the back yard, wondering if they can be planters or fish bowls or if they really have to go to the dump. (They really have to go to the dump.) I am grateful to Andy and to our friend Tom, who came to the rescue. I am grateful that the swimming pool in our complex was open all day, so we could go and use the toilet in the changeroom there, and did not have to knock on neighbours' doors for the 6 hours that we had no toilet whatsoever. I am grateful that we just happened to have a spare toilet lying around that could be installed. Tomorrow is Monday. I hope nothing breaks. The washing machine is making a funny sound, but I'm just going to hope for the best.
question: did you ever flush something that you shouldna?
mompoet - flushed with relief
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