Friday, February 10, 2006


fraught with ferrets
fraught with parrots
fought with torrents of glottal cots
overwrought with a lot of thought
fraught with a snot blot
an awful lot of snot
enought to besot a hot pot plot
begot a possum's bottom
brought a motte bomb
and another blot of snot
hot snot
and badly fraught
that's all I got

question: got?

mompoet - not


Carol said...

Fraught and flummoxed?
Now those are words I can use!

mompoet said...

Yahhh! Actually I am feeling okay (well, maybe a tad regrentful - that's a cross between regretting and resenting - the loss of a lazy Saturday)but that word "fraught" just kept popping into my mind all week. I think it's a delicious word. Flummoxed has always been a favourite.

Pat Paulk said...

Great poem!