Andy is upstairs bashing and smashing the bathroom to bits. The shopping is done
Well, we still need a big mirror with a maple frame for over the sink, but that will be found or built and it's part of the finishing touches.
Mike will come tomorrow morning and wreak further destruction before beginning the bathroom re-build. I will be at work when the worst of that happens. Today I'll finish "clearing the path" so that pieces may be carried in and out without tripping over ice skates, library books, stuffed anteaters and other miscellaneous clutter. Then I'm getting out of here! We're picking up a few friends, then there's a 75% chance we're going to go up to Cypress Bowl and let the madmen fling us down the hill on snow tubes. 25% I'm dropping miscellaneous kids off at various degrees of movies and going to watch one myself. Meantime:
BANG, CRASH! (drilling noise) SMASH! Well, it's still not as bad a shopping.
question: watcha doing today?
mompoet - getting ready for lavatory transformation
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