Monday, March 20, 2006

One handsome guy

This our son Alex who recently got his braces off. I think he looked great even while he still had them on. Now he has retainers to wear, which is okay, and toothbrushing no longer takes 15 minutes each time (do you know how they have to floss when they have braces???). He's happy, we're happy. What a smile!

question: did you have braces?

mompoet - happy


Carol said...

Congrats Alex. My daughter had her braces off over a year ago. She loves to chew gum now, more than ever.
Buy a pack to celebrate!

mompoet said...

Thanks Carol, I will pass along those congratulations. On his first braces-free day, Alex enjoyed the two things that he had missed most during his 18-month brace-face period: corn on the cob and mackintosh's creamy toffee.