Tuesday, July 26, 2005

picture picture?

Blogger says it has an easier way to post pictures. This is a test. Only a test.

This is a picture of me washing dishes at camp. I think we ate spaghetti. The person who washes the spaghetti dishes is entitled to many privileges and special treatment because spaghetti dishes are very yucky!

When we camp, we wash dishes just once a day, usually in the evening. That's a tree beside me, watching to make sure that I am doing a good job. Out of the picture are Andy, enjoying a beer by the lake, Alex, wading on the shore in the gathering darkness, and Fiona, the photographer.

So I guess you'll actually be seeing me from time to time in the blog. Hope you can stand it.

question: can you see it?

mompoet - imagining images and deciding what to share

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