Thursday, October 19, 2006


I just finished reading Scar Tissue, the autobiography of Anthony Kiedis of The Red Hot Chili Peppers. I found it to be an eye-opening, depressing and endearing read. I left the book amazed that this man is still alive and writing and performing, after so much drug use and so many accidents, injuries and bad mistakes. The character who emerges is an intense and intensely impulsive man with a good heart. Anthony Kiedis is a young soul. His story provides an insight into the power of addiction, life in the rock and roll fast lane and the interdependence of performers who work together for years. Most surprising to me was that Anthony is really insecure about his singing ability. I enjoyed learning about the events that inspired the songs, and about the process by which the band members write and record their songs together. I was amused by the love stories. It seems like this guy just has to look at a woman, like what he sees and say, "Hey you! Be my woman," and she will, for months or years of intense sex, fighting and sometimes drugs together. It's an adventure to read this life story.


I have another broken tooth and my arms are too short. What I mean by the latter is that I now have to take my glasses off to read when I am tired or if the light's not good. I need new glasses and I need my tooth fixed. It's to be expected, I guess. I'll be 45 in November. In the meantime I reassure myself with feats of physical prowess. Yesterday I hopped from one fitness class to another at the gym for a total of 90 minutes cardio flat out AND I LIKE IT! Thank you to Lisa the cycle class teacher for playing "Love Cats" by the Cure and a Peppers song, each at just the right moment. It's amazing what our brains can trick our bodies into doing.

All this is not to say that I'm in denial of aging. Here I am, right in the middle of my walking, talking life. I want to feel zesty now and for a long time. I think I'm on the right track.


New breakfast sandwich: toasted baguette with pesto and tomato slices. It's good. Try it.


Work continues to be an overwhelming avalanche of everythingness. I have been taking a few minutes to organize my stacks of work so I don't miss anything critical. I am taking time everyday to sit down and talk and laugh with my co-workers. I am not taking work home. I am trying not to take myself or my work too seriously. It's just a busy time. There have been busy times before. Every day there are nuggets of joy and moment here and there of, "Oh yes, that's why I love this job." So it's tiring but okay.


Halloween is coming. We'll decorate the carport this week. I'm thinking of sewing myself a new costume. I have a fabulous clown outfit (matching ones for the kids which they have outgrown) with an unfortunate hat (I'll tell you about that another time), and a beautiful kangaroo suit which is warm and snuggly. I haven't made a costume in a few years, since a sewed a cow suit for Fiona. Maybe I'll go to the fabric store after work today. That would be fun.


Scribbitz, grzl, skrink. Autumn wiggles in through the crack under the screen door. Let's put on our sweaters and find out what happens.

question: what befalls you as autumn arrives?

mompoet - sap going back down to the roots

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