Sunday, February 06, 2005

Feed my brain

Hungry hungry hungry for more stuff for my brain. It's been gorging this weekend but still hungry.....

Met up with my friend Vic for coffee on Friday. We went to school from grade 7 through grade 12. Now her daughter and my daughter are in the same class at school and we've been emailing, so finally we got together. We picked up our conversation like it was yesterday we last talked. Vic loaned me a couple of novels and some CDs for my sound journal project, and gave me a belated birthday present, and actual music journal to record my listening in a book. I'm glad we got together again after all that time. We'll see each other soon so I can bring the music and books back to her. I'm still thinking about the things we discussed. I'm glad to renew our friendship.

I am conscious of my procrastination about listening to Mozart and writing a sound journal entry about it. I am determined to get over whatever is blocking me from doing it. My parents, who loaned me the cd, have been encouraging but not pushy. I should get over it and listen to it. My brain is whining but I am going to tell is to buck up and give it a try.

Saw Humble Boy at the Playhouse on Saturday. It's loosely based on Hamlet, but also includes astrophysics and bees, both of which interest me. It was funny and cutting and real. I'm still thinking about it. Now I want to read A Recipe for Bees by Gail Anderson-Dargatz all over again - my favourite novel of all time.

Watched The Village on dvd Saturday night. Good movie except for the ending, which I will not reveal in case you haven't seen it yet. I loved Signs and Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, so I guess M Night Shyamalan can have one clunker and I'll still want to watch his movies. Next one will be better, I hope.

AGM at the church this morning after Sunday Service. We engaged in a long coversation about commitment to Mission and Service specifically with regard to First United Church, which we support with money and food and other stuff. If you have never been to First United Church, a visit there is a real eye-opener. They're more than a church. People sleep there in the daytime, where it's safe and warm. They have meals and haircuts and foot care and counselling, and income tax prep, and a place to pick up mail. A lot of people who help there once came to the church for help. Our little St. Andrew's in Port Moody is struggling financially, like a lot of neighbourhood churches. In the meeting we discussed how to maintain a steady financial commitment to First United even when our operating funds are dwindling.

Went to Pandora's Collective's Path to Poetry Workshop at the Port Moody Arts Centre this afternoon. It was good. Bonnie and Sita are insightful and encouraging. Everyone seemed to be comfortable, and participated well. They'll run a 4-week series now, I hope, depending on registration. I loved listening to the other poets' interpretations of the exercises. I'm thinking about some of them and smiling, and also about Bonnie and Sita and the good they do. We're lucky to have them out here in Port Moody.

So I'm drinking and eating food for thought continuously except when I'm sleeping, and even then I'm dreaming. My friend Jeanette (who is a nurse) came to me in a dream and said, "Sue, you need new glasses." So I guess I'll make an appointment with the eye doctor.

Time for supper and give the brain a break. I want to read watch listen and think some more, but I think I can stop for a little while.

Question: Does hunter-gatherer ancestry affect intellectual curiosity?

Mompoet - prowling for cognitive input

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