Wednesday, December 22, 2004

What to Do for 2005

I don't make New Year's Resolutions (too "gotta hurt to work" for my liking). But every year for the past few I have embarked on a project around year's end, and tried to sustain it for the entire new year. In Fall 2001 I joined the United Church and was baptized and even became a Sunday School teacher. In Fall 2002 I got political, lobbying to get adequate school funding. In Fall 2003 I started weightlifting. So far they've all been good projects and have changed my life in significant and positive ways. I think they have each made me a better person and more fullfilled in my day-to-day life.

So I have picked this year's project, which is on the fun-dulgent side, but also good for me. I am going to try listening to a bunch of different music throughout the year and figure out what I like. I have grown up with the radio (am rock stations) in my teens, classical all my life (that's my parents' passion), new wave in my awful youth/young adulthood (yup, I hung out at the Luvafair and got one of those assymetrical haircuts and taught aerobics classes up at SFU to DEVO, Haircut 100 and The Romantics) , endured country/western when my husband and son decided that's what they liked after new wave was over, and listened to all kinds of emancipated woman singers who my friends like, and I kinda like (I still don't quite get Jann Arden). Still, mostly I listen by default. So now it's time to figure out what's my taste (or if I have any taste at all). Here's the plan:

1 CD each week - has to be a CD so I can listen to it in my car on my new CD player

I will ask friends and strangers and people who I have just met to suggest things, and I will also do the odd random pick from the record store (are they still called that?) and the library, where they loan CDs for free.

I will listen carefully, a few times, and decide what I like about it, and what I don't like, then publish my response in my mompoet blog. By the end of 2005, I will have gained an earful of experience at least, and I'll probably have a better idea of what's my choice. Please me know if you have a suggestion, better yet if it's something I can borrow for a week. This will be fun.

Question: What do you suggest?

mompoet - all ears

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