Thursday, August 18, 2005

Why I love my job

Well, here's one example anyway:

On Wednesday one of the day camp leaders phoned in sick and there was no sub available, so I was the craft leader for the day, while the other leaders took groups nature-hiking and canoeing. The craft was picture frames. Each camper brought "treasures" from home to stick onto his/her picture frame using a hot glue gun. They brought beads and buttons and seashells and pretty rocks and get the idea.

So the youngest group (6 and 7 year olds) comes to the table. I show them the craft and they get started...

mp: Hey Josh, what treasures did you bring?

J: (emptying his ziplok bag) Look, I got a wolf spider. I found it at home and nobody wants it!

mp: That's a very beautiful spider. Did you bring it to show your friends?

J: I brought it for my picture frame.

mp: Oh. Are you going to glue it on there with those pretty rocks you brought?

J: They're not rocks. They're diamonds.

mp: Oh yes, I can see that!

So he made a beautiful picture frame, decorated with 6 mineral samples and a dead wolf spider, all stuck on with a glue gun. The spider really was beautiful. It was pretty much intact, with 7 remaining legs stuck on pretty good, especially with the application of a glue gun.

It's good to see kids just liking what they like. The other 6 and 7 year olds liked the wolf spider picture frame too.

So that was my day. Oh, I also got to do storytelling. Haven't done that in over a year since our daughter (the younger of the two) decided that she is old enough that Mom may no longer come tell stories to her class. It was fun.

question: what do you like about your job?

mompoet - lucky

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