Sunday, September 03, 2006


road-revved, star-struck, bee-stung, Angelina-lipped, g-forced, inverted (multiply), fog-licked, Alcatrazed, sun-baked, Interstate-5-notized, theme-songed, gubbernatored, checked-in, checked-out, mountained-by-space-and-splash, night-giggled, fart-joked, well-spent, map-boggled, water-bottled, firework-dazzled, continentalled-to-my-last-cornflake, hot-tubbed, cheap-wined, vicariously-oscarred, bridge-spanned, beach-goggled, sun-screen-marinated, bicker-jabbled, wind-blown, laundromatted, bar-fridge-salad-fed, soda-sizzled, not-very-well-rested but that wasn't the plan...

and glad to be home.

The best thing about a good vacation is when it's over and you feel like you saw and did what you wanted to see and do and the best place is still home.

And the best wooden coaster is at the PNE in Vancouver

And the best family is the one you just spent 2 weeks with, 24 hours a day and you made it and everyone is satisfied with the holiday and happy to be home

And now I can stop making salads in hotel bathrooms, pet the dog and get back to real life where they don't pick up your towels for you and play a theme song when you walk down the street.


question: lots in mind, none jumping forward

mompoet - running out the door to meet the new minister

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