Fiona requested that I bring our family's special celebratory fruit explosion to the parents and grads party on Saturday afternoon. While we waited for the limousine to arrive we snapped photos, chatted with parents we've known since middle school and watched the grads pin on boutonnieres and corsages, blow bubbles, eat cupcakes and ham it up for the cameras.
The watermelon explosion was decorative, tasty, and evocative of the jumble-bang of emotions that accompany such milestones as the grad dinner dance for parents like me. I hope you like the photo-explanation of how to make one of these big food sculptures. I have no explanation for how to make a child so wondrous as ours. We just got lucky, I guess.
question: when your heart bursts with love and pride and bittersweet prickly longing, what fruit would tell the story?
mompoet - melonblueberrystrawberryBOOM!
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