Sunday, May 02, 2010

Sondheim's Follies by Applause Musicals

Mom and I went to see Follies, presented by Applause Musicals in Concert yesterday. It was an early Mother's Day adventure, and a treat for both of us really. The highlight of this wonderful performance for me was Roma Hearn singing "I'm Still Here." I was falling out of my chair with glee, and beaming with admiration for Hearn's awesome talent. Here's Carol Burnett's take on that song. You would have loved the one I saw yesterday even better.

How fortunate we are, in Vancouver, to be able to see and hear productions of little known but gloriously wonderful and important works like Follies. Thank you, Mom, for coming with me and enjoying it so much. Thank you Applause Musicals, and all of the people who make these good shows.

question: are you still here?

mompoet - in the thick of it, and not far enough through to play my trumpet (yet)

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