Thursday, June 24, 2010

naked wrap festival

Linda and I had some fun at work on Wednesday, crafting ways to hold our lunchtime wrap sandwiches together without disposable plastic wrap. These pictures illustrate some of our ideas.

We found lots of effective ways to hold our wraps together without using plastic wrap, however each approach had its pros and cons:
  • knitting yarn ties - advantage: inexpensive, biodegradable disadvantage: tongue-tied
  • plastic clip nylon bracelets from the 1980s - advantage: retro-chic disadvantage: retro-chic
  • buttons - advantage: debonair and minimalist disadvantage: choking hazard (also fake)
  • satin ribbon and belt buckle - advantage: reliable and colourful disadvantage: terribly twee
  • antique buttons from Grandma's house, with olives for accent - advantage: reminds us of lunch at Grandma Olive's house disadvantage: a bit like having Grandma Olive for lunch
Linda brought pasta salad and grapes. I brought fresh veggies and home made hummus. We removed all inedible components and enjoyed our naked wraps.

No wraps were harmed in the making of this blog post. All fastening materials were returned to their desk drawers and sewing boxes for future practical application as fasteners.

question: do you play with your food?

mompoet - good for the environment, and good fun

1 comment:

Lazy Daisy said...

Girlfriend, you are a hoot and a half. I had such a good laugh enjoy your "edible art". Fun with food...who knew? Thanks!