Thursday, April 05, 2007

Holy Week

I usually cry at church on Good Friday, and sometimes on other days. This Palm Sunday I was crying. The combination of hymn choices, readings and our minister, Tim's reflections on the juxtaposition of "Hosanna!" and "Crucify!" struck a chord of deep sadness and recognition for me. It's been following me through the week. The last thing Tim said in the benediction was something about "even though they shouted, 'Crucify!' it was not the last word."

I'm feeling a bit sad this week missing another Easter with my sister and her family. We usually travel to their home a day's drive from ours, and spend the weekend. They aren't church people, so one of the things I do when we don't visit them is to fully participate in our church's Easter observances. My heart feels hungry for all of it this year, in all of its drama, glory and human-ness.

question: do you ever wonder if people have always been the same and will always be the same?

mompoet - looking at the world with my own tender and daring heart

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