Sunday, January 09, 2005

Touching Snow

I asked my Sunday School kids about snow rules at their schools. At two other middle schools there's the same rule about picking up snow - NOT ALLOWED. At the elementary schools, they can play with snow but not throw it. If they are caught throwing it, then there are consequences. In one case the kids had to write essays about safety and snow-throwing. I think the kids should be told the rules and be given a chance to behave responsibly, then dealt with if they don't (and recognized and appreciated if they do). Maybe it's a problem of sufficient supervision at the middle school. Maybe there's a precedent. There are so few snow days I'll let this one be although it bugs me something fierce. Grade 6 kids still want to play in the snow for goodness sake!

Pick your battles mom. At any rate, this seems to be a thing not just at our local middle school, but at others.

The kids sledded on Thursday afterschool at the park, but stayed in on Friday and haven't been out since. I promised to take them "tubing" up at Cypress or Seymour on the February Pro-D Day. That'll be fun.

I hope it doesn't snow again until Thursday. I have a couple of late nights through which I hope to drive my little car that doesn't go uphill very well in the slippery-slidey. I could work from home Thursday and Friday if necessary. Gotta go to the office M-T-W, and the kids have evening commitments those days, so I'll cross my fingers. Whatever happens, the disruption is short and infrequent, and not worth worrying about. I got a ton of work done at home on Thursday and took transit in on Friday. It'll be spring in a week or two.

Question: How thick is the snow that stops us? How slippery the ice that will not allow us to do so?

mompoet - weathering the whether

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