Thursday, June 02, 2005

Why I am a Mean Mother

or should I say meeeeeeeeeen mothrrrrrrrrrrrr?

I had lunch with two friends yesterday. The szechuan was so spicy our eyes and noses were streaming. We were gulping water, gobbling rice and laughing fire-breath laughter as we traded stories of why our daughters have declared each of us MEAN MOTHERS!

Here is a partial list of our meannesses:
  • We cannot find clothes that our daughters like. Even when we take them to the mall with us. Nothing fits or feels good and it is all our fault.
  • We will not let our actor children perform in 2 shows at a time. Sure this would mean that we would have to drive to rehearsals every night of the week. But Geez Mom, there is Sunday!
  • We think everyone does not really have an IPOD. We are old-fashioned.
  • We say "No MSN when you have homework. All the other families let their kids use MSN continuously, even during supper.
  • We wear dorky clothes and embarras them. We should be stylish, like other moms.
  • We make them eat vegetables. Vegetables are gross.
We are the meanest of the mean.

And one day, they will be moms, and they will be as mean as us. Please pass the peppers - GRRRRROOOOOORRRR!

question: me mean?

mompoet - When I have to be

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