Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Sista'Hood Yeah!

The Sista'Hood Slam was too much fun! Twelve amazing woman poets, a capacity audience and the best feeling I've ever felt at the cafe - a little less competitive and oozing with enthooziazm. What an honour to be part of this show!

Irene did a rendition of "Chick-a-Boom" that had everyone eating out of her hand, even though she was drawn to go first. I pulled out my old "I Love my Thighs" and turned it into a call and response poem. The audience was spectacular. They shouted "I love my thighs" so loud I thought the windows were going to break. That happy noise is better than 5 10-scores I'm sure and certain! Say, that's one of my poetry fantasies:

I want to be like you
Shock couples in the back row
Rattle the windows
Jolt pictures off the walls
Make the earth turn off kilter for just 3 minutes
I want to be sublime
And I may, some day
Given patient attention and time

Well, I think I have a way to go yet before I could say I'm sublime. I sure felt sublime.

On the break we comandeered the men's room so all of the women could get a chance to pee. Everyone told everyone else how wonderful she is. The feature, Jennifer Cendana Armas was excellent. The winner, Christa Bell was magnificent. I hope she features at the Van Slam next time she's in town.

Rachel Flood, RC Weslowski and Graham Olds made this happen. They are good people. So good that I think RC and Graham can be called honorary women for the rest of this Women's History Month. At the end, I got a free t-shirt even. Also, I bought Matthew Glick's chapbook.

Got home at midnight. Got up at 6, still grinning.

Question - How many wonderful women does it take to make the world spin happy happy happy?

mompoet - loving my thighs and everything they stand for

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